Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pre-Holiday Spending Fast

The holidays are coming up and as much as I love them I always dread how much I will be set back financially when it is all said and done. Whether that be purchasing an expensive plane ticket to go home (and even more expensive now that they charge extra for checked baggage) or buying gifts the older I become the less I enjoy the holiday season. The only thing that gets me through is remembering the true reason for the season. :)  

Therefore, to gain some perspective before the holidays arrive, I have pledged to fast from spending for the next 21 days. I am taking the book, The Power To Prosper: 21 Days to Financial Freedom by Michelle Singletary, along on my journey. Admittedly, I tried this fast once before. Believe it or not I actually did get through 21 days. But I went back to spending as soon as it was over. :( Maybe that's because I failed to read 85% of her book during the fast and actually internalize what she was saying. It's written like a devotional, a chapter for each day of the fast. She also includes a daily assignment or homework, if you will. This time I am going to give Ms. Singletary a fair chance. I am going to read the book cover to cover and do what I can to apply her principles to my daily life.

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