Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bill Organization and other stuff...

I have finally found a useful notebook to organize my bills. It has a pocket for the bills and everything. There is a pocket for each month. There is also a six year calendar (very helpful). It even has a zip pocket for receipts. In fact, I have written down all the credit card debt that I currently owe including the card's interest rates. This will help me to determine which credit card I plan to pay off first. (Although I know this already...my husband's.) 

But back to the bill organizer...Where have you been all my life? Finally a place to organize my financial madness. The chaos can finally be tamed. What's more scary is that no employment is permanent unless you have tenure. If I lost my job tomorrow my financial situation is so dire I'd sink both myself and my husband. This is more than disturbing. I want better for my family. We deserve better. I want to be so financially fit that if something were to happen, like unemployment, we'd still be financially secure. I believe I can change this situation around as sad as it is. And I pray for discipline. Because this is what I have lacked all these years. I pray that I will stop acting on my emotions. I pray that I can finally start acting like an adult.

On a slightly brighter note my quarterly credit report for Bank of America came yesterday. My Fair Isaac Corporation score (FICO) is improving. I can't wait to watch that baby jump significantly by the next quarterly report as my revolving debt (a.k.a. credit card debt) decreases. Being that I'm not a fan of Bank of America I am going to take a moment to give them some kudos. I actually appreciate their Privacy Assist program. Their annual score report comes in a nice booklet, actually packaging all my debt quite nicely. And it keeps me aware of the numbers so I am not in the dark. I don't like being in the dark. This is why I am not one to leave bills unopened and stuffed in a drawer. I need to know, you know? If I'm in dire straits I need to know just exactly how dire? How much mucky stuff am I in for real? But again I'm tired of dwelling in quick sand. This mess has got to get cleaned up. 

But that notebook again? Good stuff. I certainly recommend it. Get it here

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